Portland and Multnomah County Adopt Renewables Resolution

Trump’s announcement that the US is withdrawing from the Paris climate accord is deeply disappointing. His decision flies in the face of solid science on the role of human activity in climate change. What is needed is climate policy grounded in a solid set of facts. It is for this reason I take issue with the Resolution adopted by the Portland City Council and Multnomah County at the Council Session on June 1st. "Until economic forms of utility-scale electricity storage are achieved, it will be next to impossible to economically replace all fossil fuel electricity generation with renewables." Two policies were adopted in that Resolution. Both policies apply community-wide, not just to City or County facilities. One goal states that by 2035 all residents and businesses in the City and County will only use electricity generated from renewables. This means that PGE and PacifiCorp must deliver electri...