How fascinating it is to look back from where you came.  Okay, sometimes it's fascinating.  Back in 2009, there was far less focus on issues revolving around Sustainability.  How that has changed!  Now it's time for me to revive this blog.  My focus will narrow to topics related to de-carbonization. Here is a link to a paper of mine that recently appeared in The Electricity journal, titled "Cutting Carbon Emissions from Electricity Generation."  Here is the abstract:  "Oregon’s Clean Electricity and Coal Transition Plan does not prohibit delivery of coal-fired electricity to retail loads.  Coal-fired electricity cannot be excluded from retail delivery given the interconnected Western grid.  It also mandates new renewable performance standards that are the costliest approach of the policies reviewed.  Cost adders tied to carbon emissions from all thermal generation are an effective approach to carbon reduction."

For other papers and presentations related to enhancing the efficiency of the electric system, including but not limited to, Smart Grid, Time-of-Use pricing, Grid Optimization See:


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