What Might 100% Renewable Use Mean for Portland?

Image courtesy of Portland ClipArt Festival

The City of Portland and Multnomah County will soon jointly adtop a resolution to use 100% renewables by 2050.  A draft of that Resolution l apply to both city and county facilities and operations.  A version of the motion did appear on the City Council Agenda for thursday, April, 27th, but was removed prior to the Council meeting.

In light of the limits on City authority, what the City can control is the use of carbon emitting fuels in CIty operations - trucks, cars, mowers and other gardening tools, any fossil fuel based generators under control of the City.

Beyond the CIty's limited range of authority, the only tool available is promotion, promoting, and encouraging homeowners, landlords and business owners to shift out of the use of fossil fuels.

Here is something you can do: As you go about your day examine what items you use that
1. Require fossil fuels to manufacture;
2. Contain fossil fuels;
3. Require fossil fuels to dispose.

Item #1 is often described as upstream uses.  Item #3 is often described as downstream.


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